This is just a quick game I made.




Try to catch as much falling food from the sky with the player 






Try to get to 100 points as fast as possible by working as a team or solo




You have 1 minute to get as much points as you can


endless mode


in this mode you just go for as long as you can(it gets super fast)




[ ] = keyboard

( )1) = gamepad 1, ( )2) = gamepad 2


[w], [s], (up joystick)1), (down joystick)1) to select mode

[e], (select/view)1) for endless mode

[up arrow], [down arrow], (up joystick)2), (down joystick)2) to select players

[space], (start/menu)1) to start and to go to the menu

p1: [a], [d], (left joystick)1), (right joystick)1) to move left and right

p1: [left arrow], [right arrow], (left joystick)2), (right joystick)2) to move left and right


Numbers on the screen


the top left of the screen show p1s score 

the top left is p2s score

underneath p1s score is the timer

on the menu(and when you finish a game) the PB will be show:

above beluga logo is the 60s 1p PB. Note: the PBs will not be shown if you dont have one

above that is the 100 1p PB

on the right side of the screen is the exact same but with 2p

at the end of a game the big number in the middle will show your time if your on the 100pts mode or your score on 60s 

under that is the PB for that mode




PBs are saved to your computer so the next time you play this game it will be saved or else it would not be a PB. If you want to clear all the data you can hold [0] for 3 seconds.


Please tell me if any things missing

tell me if I should add anything else

post your PB in the comments just send a screen shot of the end of the game or a video(or other any proof) I will be keeping track of the record


made in turbowarp

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